$00C00402: Entry Point * + ;Clear RAM, Palette RAM, registers, makes sound initialization and many other presetup things $00C00408: Entry Point * + $00C0040E: Entry Point * + $00C00414: Entry Point * + $00C0041A: Entry Point * + $00C00420: Entry Point * + $00C00426: Entry Point * + $00C0042C: Entry Point * + $00C00432: Entry Point * + $00C00438: Display Startup Logo $00C0043E: HBLANK call *** $00C00444: NEO-GEO Startup $00C0044A: Called during VBLANK interrupt. Set controller and some other values into RAM. $00C00450: Some clearing and testing with zero procedures in RAM and SRAM $00C00456: Just return from subrutine $00C0045C: Just return from subrutine ! $00C00462: Just return from subrutine ! *** $00C00468: Ask Select & Start of Joypad #1 and put it into D0 $00C0046E: Some verifications with SR $00C00474: Some initializations and sound too $00C0047A: Swap in ROM Vector Table *** $00C004C2: Place 256 Fix Tiles in screen and 32 Fix Tiles out of screen $00C004C8: Place 256 Sprites Tiles on screen on X=380, Y=00 $00C004CE: Compare $0010FDC2 with Zero and place some information into RAM $00C004D4: Memory Card operations (Read/Write) * - the same calls + - the same calls in NEO-GEO CD BIOS ! - the same call in NEO-GEO AES BIOS NEO-GEO CD BIOS Calls: $00C00480: *** $00C00486: *** $00C0048C: *** $00C00492: *** $00C00498: *** $00C0049E: *** $00C004A4: *** $00C004AA: *** $00C004B0: *** $00C004B6: *** $00C004BC: *** $00C004DA: $00C004E0: $00C004E6: $00C004EC: $00C004F2: $00C004F8: *** $00C004FE: *** $00C00504: *** $00C0050A: *** $00C00510: *** $00C00516: *** $00C0051C: *** $00C00522: $00C00528: $00C0052E: $00C00534: $00C0053A: $00C00540: $00C00546: Transfer memory to another 'area' (ie SPR memory) $00C0054C: $00C00552: Load File (display 'Now Loading') $00C00558: $00C0055E: Exit to CD player $00C00564: Load File (do not display 'Now Loading') $00C0056A: Start Playing Sound Track $00C00570: $00C00576: $00C0057C: $00C00582: $00C00588: $00C0059A-$00C006FC: $00C0B040: CDROM check (called from BIOS)???